你认为冻结工资上涨保护工作位置对还是涨工资消灭低收入对? 大家来算个帐: 以一单身无房贷无子女在Sydney 的生活来算 房租(和租, 今生也没打算拥有房子)$150 其它花费$35 电话: $10 医保$10 车: 注册: 保险, 汽油$80 食品和生活用品90 娱乐$50 税$64 剩下$56用于: 服装,应急,度假等等 Could you live on $545 per week By Perrie Croshaw July 08, 2009 09:22am Do you think it was right to freeze the minimum pay rate “to preserve jobs” or do you think ACTU President Sharon Burrows is right when she says that this decision has “entrenched inequality” and “forced a group of workers to bear the brunt of an economic crisis not of their making.” Let’s do the sums to see where $545 might be spent each week for a single person (no kids, no mortgage) living in Sydney. Rent: $150 (in shared household – don’t think of ever owning a home) Utilities: $35 Phone: $10 Medical Insurance: $10 Car rego, insurance and petrol costs: $80 Food and groceries for one: $90 (this includes toothpaste, toilet paper, personal items, Entertainment: $50 (maybe 6 glasses of beer and a movie with popcorn) Tax: $64 $56 left over to buy clothes, incidentals, for emergency cash and any other luxuries such as medication, replacing a broken fridge or taking a holiday. http://blogs.news.com.au/moneyan ... ve_on_545_per_week/ [ 本帖最后由 大龙卷风 于 2009-7-10 15:33 编辑 ] |