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2020-4-7 20:24| 发布者: ayzlgs | 查看: 8853| 原文链接 ... p;__tn__=%2As%2As-R

这个MP不会直接散布anti racial 言论, 但是他每天都发这种负面新闻,跟帖的各种牛鬼蛇神,要中国割地赔款,骂澳洲中国人各种难听,要禁止贸易甚至对中国人扬言打打杀杀的,这种策略是不是很有效果,一个议员为了出头可以任何事情都做的出。议员利用自己的影响力变相鼓动种族主义必然会损坏澳洲社会的团结。历史上别有用心的ren利用反对华人拉仇恨上位的比比皆是。


Disgraceful behaviour by former Chinese Military officials who bought tonnes of Australian medical supplies and sent them to China and now are trying to sell them back to Australia after inflating prices by 300%.

Minister Dutton has announced that the Australian Government has now banned exports of medical  supplies and customs can now seize goods and add them to our national medical stockpile if not defective.

Please be careful if anyone is buying masks online as many are sub-standard.The Chinese Government should be blasted by the GOVERNMENT.   They are the cause of the pandemic.   And I will NOT support the Chinese Australians in this Country that are DEFENDING CHINA and the shoppers taking baby formula and other goods off our Supermarket shelves.   They are ALL TRAITORS and belong in CHINA! ☹
China have a lot to answer for. The fact that they downplayed the corona virus and how many were ill in their country, so it would give their minions in various countries the chance to strip those countries of vital medical/health supplies. They then allow their contaminated citizens to travel world wide spreading the virus.
Countries were too trusting and are now suffering.
China then sits back and offers to send vital equipment etc free of charge to various countries, trying to make out they are caring. I call their bull...t.
Our government needs to open their eyes and start tying up loose ends that allow locusts to strip countries bare.

I want and expect the World Government's to hold the Chinese Government accountable for the horrendous loss of life, and they should be sued and made to repay the trillions of dollars lost around the world impacting so many economies.

Give our industries 12 months to tool up and meanwhile impose 15% tariff on All chinese goods, then after 12 months, impose 30% tariff on ALL chinese goods. Leave 100% australian made / grown at current rate. Then we cease dependence on China and have our own manufacturing and future employment for generations, and secure our future.
Also in our National interest, reclaim all ports, farmland and large businesses owned by the Chinese.

疯子拉仇恨,评论区沦陷,各种abusive, offensive, aggressive language。
