在家中使用合法槍支進行自我防衛是很複雜的情況。通常在入侵者非常危險,而你有理由無法或者不能逃走的時候,是不會判罪的,哪怕把人打死也沒事。但如果對方沒有武器,或者你可以安全脫離卻選擇保衛家園,那你應當用槍進行威懾,不可以直接把人打死,除非對方瘋了,要搶你的槍。 以下原文: Instead, he said there were different parameters within the criminal code. "There's a whole body of law on it but I suppose it's best summarised by this: the response has to be reasonable and proportionate," he said. "You can certainly detain someone who's invading your home or your business, but you can't cause grievous harm or kill them — it's got to be reasonable force. "But in some situations, if the person's armed or there's an imminent threat to your life or your family's life, then you can exercise a more lethal level of force." A jury last week found Top End identity Michael Denigan not guilty of unlawfully causing serious harm. 這個Michael Denigan把入侵者用槍打斷腿的被判無罪,這也是以後的辯護案例。 注意這些是律師觀點。Neither of the lawyers' comments, nor this article, are intended as legal advice. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-01/home-invasion-self-defence-law-explained/10853652 開槍自衛把人打斷腿被無罪釋放的案例:https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-21/michael-denigan-not-guilty-shooting-micks-whips/10833134 請注意入侵者有3人而且帶了斧頭。 在澳洲,只要你有住房,合法持槍並不困難。使用合法獲得的槍支在出現危及人身安全的情況下進行正當防衛,不會違法,也不會導致槍證沒收。 請注意: 1,入侵者要足夠危險。空手入室偷遊戲機的青少年你不能隨便開槍把人打死,但組團想要狩獵亞裔的極右,那就足夠危險。 2,入侵者超過1人而且手上有強力武器的時候,開槍容易辯護。例如斧頭,刀等等。空手入室的你應當嘗試要求其離開,而不能直接開槍。 3,盡量不要把人打死。人沒被打死的話,事情通常會簡單很多,陪審團和法官都不會有很大壓力。 希望各位合法槍友了解相關法律,多使用Google搜索相關案例,保護自己和家人不受排華勢力屠殺。 |