在悉尼港停靠的红宝石公主号游轮上有至少150名乘客有不适症状 其中只有9人测试了新冠病毒,其中4人确诊。 其他乘客都在悉尼港下船自行回家了。 今天澳洲总理莫里森说,不排除封锁一些被新冠病毒严重影响的社区。新州目前确诊人数最多。截至今天3月21日, 澳洲一共累计确诊1068 例 COVID-19感染 病人 , - NSW 436 in New South Wales, - VIC 229 - QLD184 - SA 67 - WA 90 - TAS11 - ACT 9 - NT 5 其中7人已经死亡。 ![]() More than 150 sick passengers left a cruise ship in Sydney earlier this month and wandered off back home with no instruction to self-isolate, it has emerged. Only nine of those were tested for coronaviurs. The ship, the Ruby Princess, later cruised to New Zealand and back with four of the new passengers now testing positive for COVID-19. In other coronavirus developments today, Queensland Police has announced its officers will be making spot checks on bars to enforce strict new rules that forbid more than 100 people in an enclosed place. They have said patrons, and bar owners, flouting the rules could be fined. That came as the Northern Territory announced strict new border controls, meaning anyone arriving from interstate or overseas will have to self-isolate for 14 days. Today, PM Scott Morrison said the government hadn’t ruled out locking down entire suburbs affected by the coronavirus in Australia. New South Wales has tipped Australia’s confirmed coronavirus cases to over 1000 after NSW Health announced an additional 83 infections of COVID-19, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in NSW to 436. Meanwhile, the fallout for Australians and tourists who were spotted recklessly defying the government’s strict advice on social distancing and self-isolation in Bondi is continuing to prompt fury from locals and officials. Police Minister David Elliot today announced the beach would close. RELATED: Follow the latest coronavirus updates Australia now has 1068 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 436 in New South Wales, 229 in Victoria, 184 in Queensland, 67 in South Australia, 90 in Western Australia, 11 in Tasmania, nine in the Australian Capital Territory and five in the Northern Territory. Seven people have died – one in Western Australia and six in New South Wales – and 43 have recovered. Follow our rolling coverage below. 原文链接 https://www.news.com.au/lifestyl ... c6ee7f5e66e29c4a859 |