Coronavirus in Australia: Renters experiencing hardship will be protected by a relief model 莫里森政府在酝酿对租客的保护条款 保护因为新冠遇到经济困难的付不起租金的房客 不被房东驱逐 这些计划包括商业和民用住宅的租客。今天澳洲总理莫里森在堪培拉的演讲中说,澳洲政府正在拟定在疫情中对租客的保护条款中。各个州政府也会参与拟定。西澳和新州会带头拟定执行。政府预警,因为疫情影响,澳洲经济会进入寒冬,很多人会失业。莫里森说,虽然这个计划看似对房东不利,但是没有办法,所有人的生活都会被疫情影响。 Australians who rent will be able to stay in their homes in the event they experience hardship due to coronavirus and can't pay rent. States and territories will work on a relief package for Australians who rent their home to protect them from eviction as the coronavirus crisis worsens, it's been announced. Prime Minister Scott Morrison held a press conference in Canberra today where he flagged that help for tenants is coming. “Further work will be done on identifying how relief can be provided for tenants in both commercial and residential tenancies to ensure that in hardship conditions, there will be relief available,” Mr Morrison said. “That work will be done by states and territories, as it is a state and territory matter, and that work will be led by Western Australia, together with New South Wales, working with all the other states and territories, to bring back some model that can be applied in hardship cases.” That model would work to ensure that Aussies renting their homes aren’t turfed out as a result of hardship due to coronavirus, he said. The government has warned that job losses and business failures are likely as a result of the economic consequences of the pandemic. The PM conceded that this measure and others implemented in response to the crisis will sting many people. “Now, I know that will mean something for landlords, just as the decision taken today means something for banks, just like the decisions we have already taken as a Commonwealth Government means things for our balance sheets, and as a people, for the Commonwealth government, as it does for the states,” he said. “It will also mean something for those who sadly might be stood down from their employment and have to look at their annual leave arrangements and sick leave arrangements. “All Australians are going to be making sacrifices, obviously, in the months ahead. “And everyone does have that role to play and that will include landlords, at the end of the day, for people who are enduring real hardship.” 原文链接 ... 91fb48cecdc293cb43a |