澳洲前总理吉拉德上周和确诊的加拿大第一夫人拥抱 目前吉拉德在自我隔离中 加拿大第一夫人和澳洲前总理吉拉德上周在英国伦敦参加了一个会议。期间吉拉德拥抱了加拿大第一夫人。目前吉拉德在自我隔离中 ,并没有进行新冠病毒测试。目前吉拉德在伦敦居所自我隔离中。吉拉德目前按照英国政府要求,无症状不进行测试。 目前加拿大总理也在自我隔离中,并封锁了加拿大边境。 Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard is self-isolating after coming into contact with Sophie Trudeau a week before she was diagnosed with coronavirus. The Canadian Prime Minister's wife attended a WE Day function with Ms Gillard in London earlier this month. It is understood Ms Gillard hugged Ms Trudeau during their encounter. "Former PM Gillard did attend the WE Day event with Sophie Trudeau. Ms Gillard is in London and feeling well but as a precaution is self-isolating and will continue to do so until the end of the recommended period," a spokesperson for Ms Gillard said. The spokesperson also said that although the former PM was in isolation she had not been tested for the virus. "Ms Gillard is well and coming to the end of the recommended period for self-isolation, which she has been doing as a precautionary measure only," the spokesperson said. "She is following current UK public health advice and so at this stage has not been tested." Ms Trudeau was diagnosed with the illness last week after she began to show mild symptoms on Wednesday after a speaking engagement while in the UK. "First I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you who have reached out to me asking how I'm doing," Ms Trudeau said in a statement. "Although I'm experiencing uncomfortable symptoms of the virus, I will be back on my feet soon. "Being at quarantine at home is nothing compared to other Canadian families who might be going through this and for those facing more serious health concerns." It is understood Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has not shown symptoms but has entered into a self-isolation period as a precautionary measure. Mr Trudeau took to Twitter on Friday after his wife's test results came back positive, assuring his followers that he "felt fine". "I have some additional news to share this evening. Unfortunately, the results of Sophie's COVID-19 test are positive. Therefore, she will be in quarantine for the time being. Her symptoms remain mild and she is taking care of herself and following the advice of our doctor," he wrote. "I am feeling fine & I'm not exhibiting any symptoms of the virus, but I will also be following the advice of our doctor and I will continue to self-isolate for now. "During that time, as I did today, I'll continue to work from home and conduct meetings via video & teleconference." On Monday (local time), Mr Trudeau announced he was closing Canada's borders to anyone who was not a citizen, a permanent resident or American amid the coronavirus pandemic. "Let me be clear: If you are abroad, now is the time to come home," the Prime Minister said, speaking outside his residence. "If you've just arrived, you must self-isolate for 14 days." He also said those already in the country "as much as possible should stay home". Mr Trudeau said the exemption for Americans, despite the rapid rise of cases in the US, was due to "the level of integration of our two economies". The US accounts for 75 per cent of the country's exports. "Canada and the United States have the longest unmilitarised border in the world and that border is vital to the daily life to people on both sides that live of that border," said Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. But she noted American tourists were not likely to visit anyway because they would have to self-isolate. "I don't consider that something that a tourist would like to do for a holiday," she said. 原文链接 https://www.tweeddailynews.com.a ... irus-fears/3974369/ |