![]() 昆州女议员susan mcdonald 新冠测试阳性 是达顿外长阳性后第二个澳洲新冠阳性的议员。目前mcdonald议员在医院接受治疗。澳洲移民部长达顿目前已经回家休息并继续自我隔离。 昆州女议员susan mcdonald 上周五在达顿外长确诊后,感到不适,嗓子酸痛和低烧,测试后确诊新冠阳性。但mcdonald议员说最近和达顿外长并没有接触。 昆州女议员susan mcdonald 确诊后她的工作人员也开始在家自我隔离。 澳洲移民部长达顿目前已经回家休息并继续自我隔离。他的家人去了朋友家暂时居住。 副医疗外长Paul Kelly说达顿外长是从美国返回澳洲六天后确诊的。新冠病毒潜伏期很长,目前难以确诊达顿外长到底是在何处感染的病毒 和 达顿外长同飞机回澳洲的另外两人也确诊感染新冠。他们是为罪犯发声活动家Debbie Kilroy 和 Boneta-Marie Mabo。达顿外长否认是他同飞机传染了他们。达顿外长指责他们想利用这个事件为政治问题造势。 澳洲财长Josh Frydenberg 上周也感到不适,他两周前从中东回澳。 Josh Frydenberg 测试新冠显示隐形,并在继续履行公职。另外工党议员Tanya Plibersek 也去测试了新冠,在和她一起开会的人有确诊后她自我隔离并去做了新冠病毒测试。 Queensland LNP senator Susan McDonald has tested positive to coronavirus. Key points: Senator Susan McDonald is the second Australian politician to test positive for COVID-19, after Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton Senator McDonald is in hospital receiving treatment The Home Affairs Minister has now left hospital but remains in self-isolation In a statement, the Coalition senator said she began feeling unwell with a sore throat and mild temperature on Friday evening just hours after Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton confirmed his positive diagnosis. Her office said the two members of Federal Parliament did not recently have contact. "On Friday evening I began feeling unwell with a sore throat and a mild temperature," Senator McDonald's statement said. "Unfortunately the test has today come back positive and I have now been admitted to hospital, where I will remain under the direction of Queensland Health." The Senator said she went into self-isolation after taking the test. Her office is closed and staff members say they have also gone into a voluntary quarantine at home but none of them are reporting having any symptoms. Two other MPs underwent tests for coronavirus last week, but both were cleared of the illness. Peter Dutton self-isolating at home Mr Dutton returned a positive result for the virus on Friday and was admitted to hospital in Brisbane. He told Sky News on Monday that he has since been able to return home and is self-isolating after his family had found a friend's house to stay at. In the interview, Mr Dutton also lashed out at two other travellers who said they had tested positive for COVID-19 after being on the same plane as him. Prisoner advocate Debbie Kilroy and activist Boneta-Marie Mabo said they had been confirmed as having coronavirus since the flight. Ms Mabo is the granddaughter of Indigenous land rights campaigner Eddie Mabo. Deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly said after speaking to the Home Affairs Minister, he believed Mr Dutton was not infectious when he was on the plane. "Whether he caught it on the plane or before that, it's hard to know. The incubation for this particular virus is quite long. It can be up to 14 days. He had been back in Australia for six days by the time he became sick," Mr Kelly said. Mr Dutton told Sky News that Ms Mabo and Ms Kilroy were trying to take advantage of the situation. "It's ridiculous. You can look at examples where people are trying to use the sickness of somebody else or the coronavirus as an opportunity to push their own political cause and I think this is one such example," Mr Dutton said. "I actually think it's an outrage." Mr Dutton said he has been advised the two women sat "nowhere near" him on the flight to the United States. He accused Ms Kilroy and Ms Mabo of being long-standing opponents of the government, who detested him because of his border policies. "They're involved in prisoner advocacy and all sorts of left-wing causes and frankly, I just don't want to give them the publicity they're seeking." Other politicians test negative Treasurer Josh Frydenberg sought medical advice after feeling sick last Thursday, the same day he handed down the economic stimulus package with the Prime Minister in Canberra. Mr Frydenberg had travelled to Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh just over two weeks earlier. He took the test on Thursday afternoon, but continued to conduct a series of media interviews in the evening and the following morning. The negative test results did not arrive until Friday afternoon "The medical advice to me was not to go and self-isolate. I'm pleased the test came out negative," Mr Frydenberg told Sky News on the weekend. Labor frontbencher Tanya Plibersek took a coronavirus test after attending a conference with someone who later discovered they had COVID-19. She said she self-isolated while the test was being reviewed. 原文链接 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020 ... ter-dutton/12060946 |