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2009-7-1 13:40| 发布者: patrickzhu | 查看: 783| 原文链接


http://north-shore-times.whereil ... end-crossing-chaos/

Lights to end crossing chaos

AFTER two years of lobbying, several accidents and countless near-misses, the NSW Government will replace Chatswood station’s bottleneck pedestrian crossing with traffic lights.

The crossing is on the western side of the station, at the corner of Railway and Victoria streets.

“It’s about bloody time,” said Chatswood RSL Club president Barry Fisher. “We brought this to the attention of the (Willoughby) council two years ago but they said the problem didn’t belong to them, but we wouldn’t give up,” he said.

The club had been told the lights would be installed this month.

“It’s a great relief because we were fearful that someone was going to be killed,” Mr Fisher said.

“One gentleman had his briefcase knocked out of his hands by a bus and one of our members was knocked over and taken to hospital.

“Fortunately, she had only minor injuries but there are two schools up the road and kids cross here all the time.”

Mr Fisher said he did not blame the drivers.

“There is a often queue of cars going all the way up to the highway,” he said. “The drivers must be terribly frustrated and then they just try to force their way through the crossing.”

Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation (TIDC), the state-owned developer in charge of Chatswood Railway Interchange, has decided to replace the crossing with traffic lights.

“TIDC and other stakeholders have worked together to find a solution to improve pedestrian safety and traffic flow at this location,” a TIDC spokesperson said.

“The installation of the lights is expected to commence on July 13 and be completed in September. A dedicated pedestrian crossing will be maintained throughout the construction works.”
