看见astina等人力荐say G'day卡,也想买来试试,但有几个问题想请教一下: 1. 用他们的1300接入号local call到底如何收费,他们的网站上一会儿说用telstra的固定电话只要25cents,一会儿说如果一直打要charge 66 cents,到底怎么回事: Calls made using the Say G'day calling card from Australia are charged at GST-inclusive rates. Timed calls from Australia are charged in 60-sec blocks. A 1300 number call charge applies to all calls made using 1300 654 603. A 1300 call charge of 25c applies when calling from Telstra fixed phones. Coins (40c) required from Telstra public payphones. Applicable mobile phone charges for calls to a 1300 number apply in addition to Say G'day service charges. No connection fee applies for calls originating in Australia. Untimed local calls using the Say G'day calling card in Australia can be accessed using either the 1300 or 1800 access numbers and incur a 66c fee, plus the applicable 1300 call charge if the 1300 access number is used. 2. 而且我家里电话是optus的话,会有如何影响? 3. 网站上没有提到有效期的问题,是不是一直有效,打完后可以保留账号继续充值? 4. 问了2家店,一家没有卖,一家只有电子的不打折扣。请问能买到打折扣的卡吗? |