

新足迹 门户 生意种种 查看内容


2019-10-15 12:55| 发布者: lltj | 查看: 1135| 原文链接

请问有经验的生意前辈,咖啡连锁店生意保险一年要多少?有推荐的吗?是不是以下都要包括在保险里. 谢谢

1 general comprehensive insurance for the full insurable value of fixtures, fittings, equipment, including the Equipment and stock in trade used in the Franchised Business against the following risks:
(a) theft, damage or destruction caused by fire, lightning, explosion or implosion, storm and wind, water damage, impact, riots or

civil commotion, strikes, malicious acts (including by vandals and thieves), earthquake, subterranean fire or volcanic eruption; and
(b) such other insurable risks as the Franchisor may reasonably specify from time to time;
1.2 business interruption insurance for loss of profits and loss of gross rentals (where applicable);
1.3 public and products liability for not less than $20 million for each and every claim where liability arises as to compensation for personal injury or damage to property happening during the period of insurance and caused by an occurrence connected with the Franchised Business;
1.4 worker’s compensation and employer’s liability in accordance with the relevant requirements pursuant to applicable legislation;
1.5 if relevant, plate glass for its replacement value, including temporary shuttering, sign writing and damage to stock in respect of the Business Premises, including extensions for hail, storm, wind and flood;
1.6 burglary of stock, electronic equipment and other business contents contained within the Business Premises including, reinstatement of sum insured, temporary protection to the Business Premises pending repair required as a result of the burglary and replacement of locks and keys;
1.7 loss or damage to money in the Business Premises or in transit from the Business Premises occurring during the period of insurance, including reinstatement of the sum insured;
1.8 trade debtor insurance securing the debt of the Franchisee;
1.9 life insurance for the Franchisee, where the Franchisee is an individual or life insurance for the Principal Operator, where the Franchisee is a corporation; and
1.10 any other additional insurance which the Franchisor may reasonably advise from time to time.
