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有一天Penny Wong会成为澳洲首相吗?

2019-10-13 08:50| 发布者: 酸菜小鱼1212 | 查看: 5384| 原文链接

看到卫报上一篇讲亚裔工党参议院Penny Wong的文章,很有意思,试着翻几段,有翻译不当的请指出。谢谢~

Penny Wong: could Australia accept a gay Asian woman as PM?

The question everyone asks when they know you are writing a book about Penny Wong is whether she will ever be prime minister, and if not, why not.

(在作家Margaret Simons为Penny Wong/黄英贤写传记的时候),每个人都在问,Penny Wong是否有可能成为首相?如果不会,为什么不会?

The simple answer is that she is in the wrong house – the Senate – when prime ministers must sit in the House of Representatives. But couldn’t she change house?
The better answer is that she has never aspired to the job. Many people have urged her to consider it over the years, including some of her closest allies and friends. She has been entirely consistent, rejecting the idea in private as in public. Partly this is due to her fear of the impact of prejudice: she judges the nation not ready for a gay Asian woman as prime minister. There are two sides to this concern. On the one hand she fears the electoral impact – the percentage of Australians who would change their vote because of her. On the other side, she fears what it would mean for her personally. As she puts it, “Why would I do it to myself and my family?”

最简单的回答是,她不在众议院而在参议院,而首相必须从众议院中选出。那难道她不能转去众议院吗?更好的答案其实是,Penny Wong本人从来不曾想要当首相。


So Penny Wong will almost certainly never be prime minister. Yet she will lead. The opposition is now dominated by her allies. Albanese is leader largely because of her support. Asked why she backs him, she says she believes he has the capacity for a strong relationship with the Australian people. His principles are visible in his support of gay rights, long before it was popular. As well, she credits him with “holding the government together” during the years of minority government under Gillard.

因此Penny Wong几乎可以肯定不会成为澳洲首相,但她仍是工党的重要领导人之一。Albanese目前能够成为工党党魁离不开她的支持。对此Penny Wong表示:她相信Albanese拥有领导澳洲人民的能力,早在很久之前他对同性恋人权的支持就显示了他的领导力,同时Albanese具备“联合各方力量建立统一政府”的能力,而这一点对于打破自从吉拉德执政时期以来澳洲政府就一直由少数派领导的现状是非常可贵的。


This is an extract from Penny Wong: Passion and Principle, the biography by Margaret Simons. Published by Black Inc. Books. In stores 1 October.

本文节选自Margaret Simons写的传记文学《Penny Wong: 激情与原则》,该书于2019年10月1日开始在各大书店上架销售。

原文链接如下: ... y-asian-woman-as-pm
