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2009-5-27 15:54| 发布者: 老杏 | 查看: 809| 原文链接



递交截止17 July, 2009.

Enterprize goes national

Enterprize is now a national competition available to teams, Australia wide. All nominees are encouraged to attend a free, professional, business plan writing workshop. Finalists will also receive free, professional pitch coaching.

Now in its ninth year the ENTERPRIZE $100,000 Competition is designed to:

    * Provide seed capital to promising start-up companies
    * Give participants the experience of drafting a professional business plan for review by potential investors
    * Foster networking with venture capitalists and angels

Enterprize consists of 4 stages and is open for all entrepreneurs who have business ideas that are ready, or almost ready, to be launched.
Stage 1 - Submission of Business Concept Plans

At this stage entrants present a concept plan, which is a preliminary 8 page document that maps out the key ideas behind the business plan. Entries will be assessed by a panel of judges who will short-list finalists. These finalists will be invited to submit full business plans.
Stage 2 - Submission of Full Business Plans

Enterprize finalists will then be required to develop and prepare a full business plan of about 30-40 pages. This business plan will provide more in depth information about the business concept, its market potential and how the team plans to bring it to market.
Stage 3 - Public Presentation of Business Plans (Pitch Day)

Following submission of their business plans, each finalist will make a short public pitch outlining their concepts and business plans before an audience that will include venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. The judging panel will assess the business plans against clearly established criteria. The Enterprize winners will be announced at the conclusion of Pitch Day.
Stage 4 - Commercialisation

A feature of the Enterprize challenge is that it will move to a fourth and final stage - supporting the commercialisation of the winning entry. UQ Business School will provide the winning team with a $100,000 prize for the purpose of commercialising their new venture.



