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2019-5-13 16:47| 发布者: 拙泥 | 查看: 2636| 原文链接

背景:我们办公室很小,大家也都多年同事了。所以可以讨论政治,宗教,体育各种话题,不担心彼此翻脸。我偶尔参与,一般都是听众。也因为part-time 会漏掉一些。

星期五,两个同事提到母亲节一副不屑的语气, 我猜可能是被一些人各种fuss, 炫耀之类的弄烦了? 我被问及怎么过,就告诉他们要去一个山谷看树叶子,然后picnic.不料临走跟大家说Have a good weekend的时候, 一个说"Enjoy your big day, Mother's Day" 另一个同事报以冷笑。。。


母亲节你就认为是妈妈们自我陶醉的吗? 准备把下面一番话回给他们,结果周五匆忙走了,周一大家都忙。所以发在这里, 感慨一下。

All special days are a time for reflection.

Mother's day is a time to celebrate mother-child relationship,  in which we see a bright side of human nature.

We think of the mums who have children with special needs and admire them for their amaizing love and sacrifice;

We think of women who have dreamed to be a mum but lost their dream.

We think of a child who lost his mum and a mother who lost a child.

We think of people who have been abused/neglected by their mums and would feel especially difficult at this time;

We think of new mums who are overwhelmed by its responsibility and struggle to settle in their new role.

Most of all we thank God for motherhood, for all the blessings that He provide through our mums and for the wonderful way we are able to relate with our children.

In this consumerism society, all special days have been commercialised. The fact is that we do not need to be "spoiled" and we do not bother focusing on ourselves.

Therefore, you do not need to be sarcastic.
