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2019-3-15 08:37| 发布者: T.T | 查看: 2485| 原文链接

最近关于湖人可能交易勒布朗的传言可谓是甚嚣尘上,露天看台基于此对话了几位联盟的老板、高管,讨论他们对于勒布朗交易价值的态度。原文在此: ... rogramming-national,下面截取一些直接来自联盟老板和高管的话,文章作者的分析就不引用了。

"Hmmm," pondered one Eastern Conference owner when asked if his team would trade for James if given the chance. "At this point, probably not, given where we are. I wouldn't want to gut the team for a player that isn't committed and is toward the end of his career."

A Western Conference owner said he would consider dealing for James but with conditions. "Depends on what I'd have to give up," he said. "I wouldn't roll up the truck and give more than one protected first[-round pick]."

One Western Conference GM said he would be interested in trading for James to contend with the defending champion Golden State Warriors, but he wouldn't swap his best player for him because it would defeat the purpose.
"He's not good enough anymore to take four cadavers and get to the Finals," the GM says. "Not in the West."

"I still think you could get a decent package for him from a bad team," one Western Conference assistant GM says. "A first-round pick and a good young player. But it would've been a lot more a year ago, for sure."

Several league executives would not be surprised if the Lakers at least explored their options. One Eastern Conference vice president of basketball operations wondered if the Milwaukee Bucks, in their effort to keep superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo, would consider pairing him with James. Another suggested the Boston Celtics could offer a combination of young talent and draft picks and still have the requisite talent to contend, but that would require Buss and her team president and Lakers legend, Magic Johnson, to put aside a decadeslong rivalry with the Boston franchise, which is hard to imagine.

The Western Conference GM speculates that more owners than executives see value in James at this point, largely because the latter have seen how their colleagues' jobs have entailed catering to James and dealing with Paul, who is not popular with more than a few front offices. "Even if you're solid in your job, you know that anywhere LeBron goes you're suddenly under the gun," he says. "Your only choice is to give him the keys and let him run it. And even if you didn't want that, your owner might. Because he doesn't have to deal with what comes with it."
