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加盟VR 体验店 $0 费用即可挣1-2千一周

2019-3-12 14:27| 发布者: futurev | 查看: 2127| 原文链接

VR 体验店 $0 加盟费即可挣1-2千一周

- $0加盟费,自己经营者每周可获$1000纯利以上


1.    这行业能火吗?能有“钱”景吗?

-       Facebook老板扎克伯格以20亿美元收购Oculus公司,称VR为下一代社交平台

-       苹果CEO库克发声:虚拟现实相当有趣,苹果已经申请了多项与VR和AR相关的专利

-       马云宣布了阿里的虚拟现实战略,成立VR实验室,打造阿里“Buy+”计划,将再一次刷新中国消费者的购物体验


2.    产品有竞争力吗?

-       请看以下客人在我们Doncaster Westfield 店的体验视频,百闻不如一见

We\\\'re specialist in providing Virtual Reality machines for kids.

Why not to consider increase your centre’s traffic and boost sales with $0 lease fee of our VR Entertainment machine during incoming peak season?  Fully utilizing your site and staff’s capacity to earn extra money for your centre.

We have been cooperating with many city councils and associations for Virtual Reality Entertainment service. (see attached images). Below were the comment from our customers.
Thanks so much Derek. What A hit these machines were! The assistant/facilitator you put on over the weekend was absolutely brilliant by the way – we loved her.
Jeremy Angerson | Festival and Events Officer

Hi Derek, I am happy that everything worked out for you at the festival. We are pleased to have you and will definitely touch base when we are having future events.Zare   / Williamstown Musical Festival Organizer

I'm sure the board will greatly appreciate seeing the success. Also thank you for your generous and kind offer. We run 2 community festivals a year (May and November) and will definitely keep doing business with you. Once the date of the May festival is confirmed, I will email you to book us in.

Marina / Hallam Event Organizer

VR entertainment (9D VR Machine) is definitely able to attract more customers and increase your Revenue with no Cost
-        Free delivery, Free installation and free training
-        50%-50% income share between your centre and  us
-        Increase your general traffic
The VR entertainment industry is currently booming in Australia and people are very curious about VR entertainment and over 65% adults and 88% children would like to try this latest technology.

So far we are operating stores in Sunshine Marketplace, DFO Moorabbin and partnering with many kid play centres in Melbourne. Also we cooperated with Knox  City council, ACMI, Williamstown festival and some local kid events. We are the first Virtual Reality Arcade Chain in Australia with over 100 VR experience offers.

We utilize VR video entertainment machines where customers sit inside the units wearing a VR headset to enjoy a virtual reality game/movie experience. The machines provide surround sound and as well as 90 -360 movement.

We would like to offer your centre an opportunity to work together with us to provide this exciting new technology to its customers. Our idea is to supply you with our chair machines (refer to photos attached) at no cost. Your centre could charge around $10 per ticket (for a 3-10 minute game), with $5 going to the centre and $5 to my company. Operating the machines is very simple and can be taught to your staff in a couple of minutes.
Our machines are fully insured and also covered for public liability.

3. 合作模式

a. $ 0 set up cost, 商务合作 -  我们免费把机器放到你的场地 (室内儿童乐园,网吧,餐厅等), 所得收入5-5分成


c.$6 万加盟费(含4套设备和电脑,POS系统,电视)我们VR adventure world 品牌,从场地选址,租约谈判,机器set up, 员工培训,机器保修,市场推广一站式服务,3年保修。

没时间的朋友请看以下视频,看看澳洲人们有多爱我们的VR 项目。
有兴趣朋友请与我联系 0449591208 Derek

Kind regards,
Derek Wang
FutureV Pty Ltd
Suite 2, Level 1, 99 William Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000
