2017年1月 谢连斌被认定为在2009年7月18日凶杀悉尼恩平林家5口人的独狼凶手,并判予5个终身刑期 2017年3-4月 谢连斌提出上诉。NSW legal aid 批准全资支持,并经谢连斌同意任命了一位sc 大律师领衔的上诉小组 2018年12月 谢上诉小组与应诉方2次在法庭上法官面前商议上诉开庭日期,应诉方要求延期。最后定于2019年10月中旬开庭,为期5天。2019年5月双方还会在法官面前见面,最后确定开庭日期 一直感觉此案为冤案,疑点不少,愿继续讨论,特开此贴 建议参加讨论者,除了针对原检方提出的诸多circumstantial evidence,讨论时尽量附上论点的论据 以下是疑点之一: “The Accused seeks to rely upon part of Dr Perlin’s report dated 26 March 2014 as providing evidence of Ms AB’s DNA being contained in Item 550, noting that this conclusion would mean that Item 550 cannot be linked to the crime scene, as Ms AB is alive (MFI29, paragraph 80). The Accused made submissions concerning the concept of shadowing, mentioned in Dr Perlin’s evidence with respect to this report. Further submissions were made by reference to Dr Perlin’s report, the results of which were said to indicate that Ms AB was present in the crime scene samples and, in particular, Item 223, a swab taken from a wall in Bedroom 3 (the bedroom of Henry and Terry Lin). This sample was a direct swab of blood and it was noted that Ms AB was not present and did not bleed. This aspect was relied upon to challenge the reliability of Dr Perlin’s evidence.” https://jade.io/article/363136 272-273 以上是法庭报告的一部分 Dr Perlin 是True Allele DNA分析技术的作者和拥有者。True Allele证据是谢有罪认定的主要根据。Ms AB 是林家孤女Brenda 的代号。Item 550 就是stain 91,也就是在谢家车库地面案发10个月后发现的污迹 法庭报告里的这两段,讲的是在True Allele 的初始报告之后,辩方要求Dr Perlin 在他被提供的5个 DNA样品里,再加上Brenda 林作为检查对照目标。Dr Perlin 答应了并按要求做了检查,结果就是如上:活着的Brenda的DNA,也被发现在item 550 和 item223里面了。Item223是在受害男孩房间墙上采取的一个血样本 辩方据此认为True Allele 技术不可靠,item 550 也跟凶杀无关,不然还活着的Brenda的DNA怎么也会在里面呢?Brenda的DNA怎么会出现在男孩房间墙上的血样本呢? 说说你的看法 |