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2019-1-11 05:33| 发布者: 笑和尚 | 查看: 39336| 原文链接

成绩atar是99.85(不是满分,换算错误),一岁半从中国随父母移民过来,国家级演讲semi final,学校的辩论队长,英语奖学金获得者。uac居然认为英语要求不符合学医要求?这个简直是不能理解啊?

Your application for admission to the following courses has been considered and has not been successful.

Contact the relevant institution if you have any queries relating to your unsuccessful application and for further advice on alternative entry pathways and options.

Some institutions may have vacancies in some courses and may make offers to these courses in later rounds. To find out about other available courses, visit UAC's website.

Results of your course preferences

You currently do not meet English language requirements for the following:

    Pref 1 513720 Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine at University of Sydney 25 Feb 2019 (Course type: CSP)
    Pref 2 428000 B MedMD or B Arts/B MedMD at UNSW 18 Feb 2019 (Course type: CSP)
    Pref 3 785000 B Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (Joint Medical Program) at Uni Newcastle/UNE 25 Feb 2019 (Course type: CSP)
    Pref 4 725505 Doctor of Medicine at Western Sydney University 04 Mar 2019 (Course type: CSP)

Customer Service
Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

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