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2009-4-15 16:06| 发布者: victor_cn | 查看: 2353| 原文链接


New limits for Venus bay Pipi's  

8 April 2009

An increase in the harvest of pipis by recreational fishers at Venus Bay has prompted a reduction in the daily bag limit.

Fisheries Victoria will reduce the daily bag and possession limit from five to two litres (with shells) per person, to help share access to the pipi fishery. The Acting Executive Director of Fisheries Victoria, Anthony Hurst says the recent higher level of pipi harvesting reflects the popularity and current abundance of this species. “Pipi stocks are quite variable, widespread and can sustain a relatively high rate of fishing activity.

“We recognise that many fishers and families from a diverse range of backgrounds enjoy the opportunity to collect pipis, either for food or bait, at Venus Bay,” Mr Hurst said. The new limit will start on Friday, 25 May, 2009. Fisheries Victoria will implement an advisory program to communicate the changes to fishers. “Unless exempt, fishers must have a Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) in their possession to collect pipis.  

Pipi collectors are only allowed to use their hands or feet.  They cannot use tools of any size or shape to collect pipis. The reduced limit has the support of the Victorian Recreational Fishing body, VRFish.

Members of the public who witness or are aware of illegal fishing should call the 24-hour reporting line 13-FISH (13-3474).
