我看大家推荐MAN THAT MOVE就找他们报了价 2 men with a 30m3 truck - this is charged at $125/HR including GST - designed for 1 – 2 (small) bedroom residences with a 2 Hour minimum charge applied. 3 men with a 30m3 truck - this is charged at $175/HR including GST - designed for 1 – 2 (large) bedroom residences with a 4 Hour minimum charge applied. 他们的服务包括: All our trucks come fully equipped with moving blankets, straps/ties, tools, trollies and moving dollies. As part of our services, each of our teams can dismantle beds and smaller furniture for you (if required) as well as handle the plumbing of domestic washing machines and dryers. 不过我感觉一小时125或175是不是贵啊,大家找到搬家公司都是什么价位啊?(在悉尼) |