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Jervis Bay a rock fishing black spot

2009-3-30 16:17| 发布者: ladioszhuang | 查看: 1854| 原文链接

JERVIS Bay has been identified as one of the state's worst spots for rock fishing deaths.
From 1992 to 2000 five people drowned while rock fishing around Jervis Bay at Moe's Rock, Kiddy's Point, Paradise Rock, Beecroft Head and Governor's Head, resulting in the area being listed as one of the state's eight rock fishing blackspots.

And those five deaths have contributed to the Shoalhaven earning the rank as the state's third worst municipality for rock fishing fatalities, with six out of the state's tally of 74 deaths over the nine years.

The number of deaths around Jervis Bay and elsewhere in the state prompted NSW Tourism, Sport and Recreation Minister Sandra Nori to release research into rock fishing deaths.

Speaking on the eve of Water Safety Week, and ironically only two days after an Ulladulla man had to be rescued after being washed off rocks while fishing at Bannister Head, Ms Nori said coronial investigations had identified a number of common factors among the rock fishing fatalities.

They included 95 per cent of the dead anglers being male, the average age was 43, none of the deceased used flotation devices, and only 19 per cent wore footwear designed for rock fishing.

Many were listed as being able to swim, and on 80 per cent of occasions the person was conscious and able to stay afloat for some time before going under the water.

The NSW Government Water Safety Taskforce report also showed nearly half the people killed were of Asian origin, although all the Jervis Bay fatalities were Australian.

However the number of Asian deaths has prompted the State Government to launch a campaign on rock fishing safety, with the information to be translated and disseminated throughout the Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean communities.

Among other actions to be undertaken is a survey of rock fishers about common practices and safety issues.

"The taskforce has sought the assistance of key fishing groups and rock fishers in a bid to find a workable solution to this problem," Ms Nori said. ... ck-spot/234678.aspx
