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看不懂FTB A的计算方法啊

2009-3-25 14:00| 发布者: a711012 | 查看: 1535| 原文链接

Income test for Family Tax Benefit Part A ... ments/ftb_a_iat.htm

从这个网页计算你能拿多少, 但我看不明白, 里面有3个表, 看的都晕了. 谁给解释一下, 谢谢

Actual annual family income limit beyond which only base rate is paid ($pa)

No. children
0–12 years No. children 13–15 years
Nil 1 2 3
Nil   $61,923 $81,286 $100,649
1 $55,991 $75,355 $94,718 $114,081
2 $69,423 $88,787 $108,150 $127,513
3 $82,855 $102,219 $121,582 $140,945

Please note: Income limit will be higher if you are eligible for Rent Assistance.

Income limits at which fortnightly payments of Family Tax Benefit Part A may stop ($pa). These figures do not include the supplement.

No. children
0–17 years No. children 18–24 years
Nil 1 2 3
Nil   $99,962 $109,403 $119,745
1 $98,514 $107,955 $118,297 $128,639
2 $106,507 $116,849 $127,191 $137,532
3 $115,401 $125,743 $136,085 $146,426

Please note: Depending on your circumstances (e.g. if you are eligible for Rent Assistance), the income limit may be different than stated. You should contact the Family Assistance Office for a more accurate assessment.

Actual annual family income limit at which Family Tax Benefit stops ($pa). These figures include the supplement.

No. children
0–17 years No. children 18–24 years
Nil 1 2 3
Nil   $102,249 $113,978 $126,607
1 $100,801 $112,530 $125,159 $137,788
2 $111,082 $123,711 $136,340 $148,969
3 $122,263* $134 892* $147,521* $160,150*
