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2018-3-16 15:51| 发布者: scoi | 查看: 6223| 原文链接

Blue groper secrets
Gday I've been fishing for Blue groper for about 30yrs up an down the south coast.
Big blues are my main target when rock fishing these days
anD I,ve slowly become very familiar with their habits through diving{Their the only fish I've ever seen asleep on their side in the middle of the day} an fishing so if your keen to catch a big 1 over 10kgs here are a few tips that will help.
Best time of the year is winter but thats only because of the flat sea make no mistake they all there all year round swimming right under our noses
Best time of the tide is 3hrs before the top of the tide
Water depth isn't that important as long as theres kelp an cunji nearly every rock ledges along the coast has groper to some extent
Really big blues will feed as soon as the sunrises for about 1hr the tide makes no difference but they are very pick at this time an usually shut down by 7:30am
The more sun shine the better
Flat seas will see them swimming right under your feet
3 types of crabs are the red crab which is best the brown crab an the purple crab best time to collect them is a low tide after dark right at the waters edge
90% of the fish over 10kgs I've caught have been right at my feet no need to cast just free spool to the bottom an wind up about 1ft so your crab is near the bottom but not touching it
Don't strike at the bites wait until the groper starts to move off with the crab an the rod loads up then strike they are excellent crab stealers
Start fishing whole crabs if its quiet switch to cut crab halves
If its snaggy an your using cut crab halves put a small hard piece of the foot of a sea snail or similar over the barb it makes it virtually snag proof
Sea eggs mixed in with your burley will turn on quiet an timid fish an draw other big blues from a surprisingly long way away
Tackle I use is 100lb mono usually jinki[not really iso gear lol] it has excellent rockfishing handling abilities
I run a ball sink straight to the hook the size depends on the swell but you want your crab to get down through the water column pretty quick before all the pickers in the burley hammer it to pieces,
用running ball sinker直接到钩子处,至于多大的sinker则取决于浪涌的大小,但总是要让螃蟹在被咬烂前快速穿过被打饵聚集起来的非目标鱼的水层
Hook is a 5/0 circle hook helps with getting less snags than standard hooks,trust me you don't want to get snagged with 100lb its soul destroying trying to break it
用5/0的circle hook,它比起一般的钩子更不容易挂地球。相信我,拔一根100磅的线感觉JJ要爆炸了。
Make sure the drag is as tight as you can get it you don't want to give them any line or they will brick you in the blink of an eye
Once hooked start cranking as hard as you can to turn their head in your direction an keep winding until they are on the surface
一旦钩子set up,能用多大劲就用多大劲把鱼头转向朝向你,然后一直把他们摇上来。
Try an keep their head out of the water because if they get it side ways or back under just when you thought it was all over an call for the net you'll get smoked
This very thing happened to me only last weekend,As the sun broke at my favorite groper spot we had been burleying for about 1/2hr before light as the water became clearer I could see 3 big Blues in the burly right under us 2 were about 12 to 14kgs but 1 was an absolute monster of about 20 to 25kgs twice the size of the other 2,
My very first bait went in an as i sank down the monster swam straight up a grabbed it right in front of our eyes no need to wait so I stuck hard he tried bolting for the bottom but pull up then tried bolting out wide which brought him straight to the surface about 3m out from the ledge rolling around
I turned my head to call for the net an in that movement I must have dropped the rod tip because next thing I'm dragged down to my knees an he bolted around the ledge the reel which has never given line before was going backwards an making funny noises the line popped like rifle shot an he was gone
So pretty much If you can time the rising tide with an early morning on a dead flat day an fish crab baits you've got the perfect storm condition as me an my mate call it for big blue groper
So that's about it

Good luck an may the force be with you
An one last fact Blue groper aren't actually a groper at all they're a wrasse which is a complete different classification of fish,LOL
