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2009-3-24 09:38| 发布者: pal | 查看: 1075| 原文链接

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Vaccinations May Cause 70% of Autism.

Vaccines contain a slew of toxins, including mercury in many cases, which flood the body of an infant or child. These completely overwhelm the child's ability to deal with those toxins. With undeveloped immune systems, babies and young children simply cannot handle the toxins and pathogens in the vaccines. (Even adults have problems. A consensus is building that the Gulf War Syndrome was caused by the vaccinations given to the troops.) Vaccines introduce many more toxins into a child than it is able to get rid of. As a consequence, the toxins get stored in the cells. This toxin buildup prevents the brain from functioning properly - and may lead to autism.

According to the CDC's own website, common ingredients in vaccines include:

o antibiotics (which many children are allergic to)

o aluminum gels (which can, if there is a silicon deficiency, cause brain conditions like those exhibited in Alzheimer's disease)

o formaldehyde (a highly toxic carcinogen)

o monosodium glutamate or MSG (a potent excito-toxin capable of causing seizures, brain tumors and more)

o egg protein (which can cause a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction)

o sulfites (which can cause allergic reactions)

If you are not already aware of the vaccine/autism connection and its cover-up by the government and the pharmaceutical industry, Click Here to read an article written by Robert Kennedy Jr. on this very subject.

Rebecca Carley, MD reports, "What the CDC does not list is that 13 vaccines at present (and more are in the works) are actually cultured on aborted human fetal tissues. … The CDC fails to mention that the ethyl-mercury containing preservative thimerosal has been found in many vaccines, and still is in some.” Dr. Carley points out that the "rate of occurrence of autism in the last generation became self-evident proof that vaccines are the causative factor."

For more information on the use of aborted human fetal tissues for culturing vaccines, go to

Some researchers point the finger at the ill-conceived hepatitis B vaccine as a major cause of autism. Others point to the MMR vaccine as a major cause. Both are potential causes, for slightly different reasons

The hepatitis B vaccine is especially bad because the baby is so young when exposed to it. As many vaccine experts point out, giving the hepatitis B vaccination to newborns, as is done now, makes no sense at all because a newborn's immune system is not developed. So it can't produce an immune response to the vaccine. Vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system, but in newborns, there is nothing for the vaccine to stimulate. So it does no good. All it is good for is making plenty of money for the drug companies, the doctors who give the vaccines, and unfortunately, it is also good for causing autism in many children.

Many older children develop autism after getting the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination. The MMR vaccine contains three strains of viruses, so it exposes a small child to more viruses than its underdeveloped immune system can handle. The vaccine literally causes multiple viral infections in the child that overwhelm the immune system, and leads to the development of autism in some children.

Dr. Carley makes the point though, that there is a fatal flaw in vaccines themselves that can lead to autism, autoimmune conditions and other diseases. This is why the MMR vaccine leads to autism even though it has no mercury in it. She writes:

What the promoters of vaccination failed to realize is that secretory IgA (an antibody found predominately in saliva and secretions of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract mucosa) is the initial normal antibody response to all airborne and ingested pathogens. IgA helps protect against viral infection, agglutinate bacteria, neutralize microbial toxins, and decrease attachment of pathogens to mucosal surfaces....

Bypassing this mucosal aspect of the immune system by directly injecting organisms into the body [via vaccines] leads to a corruption in the immune system itself whereby IgA is transmuted into IgE, and/or the B cells are hyper-activated to produce pathologic amounts of self-attacking anti-bodies as well as suppression of cytotoxic T cells.

As a result, the pathogenic viruses or bacteria cannot be eliminated by the immune system and remain in the body, where they cause chronic disease and thus further grow and/or mutate as the individual is exposed to ever more antigens and toxins in the environment....

The mechanism by which the immune system is corrupted can best be realized when you understand that the two poles of the immune system (the cellular and humoral mechanisms) have a reciprocal relationship in that when the activity of one pole is increased, the other must decrease. Thus, when one is stimulated, the other is inhibited. Since vaccines activate the B cells to secrete antibody, the cytotoxic (killer) T cells are subsequently suppressed....

This suppression of the cell mediated response is thus a key factor in the development of cancer and life threatening infections. The organisms continue circulating through the body, adapting to the hostile environment by transforming into other organisms depending on acidity, toxicity and other changes to the internal terrain of the body.

To recap what Dr. Carley says in more simple terms, the viruses or antigens in vaccines bypass the critical first line of defense for the immune system-the components in the linings of the intestines, lungs and saliva. As a consequence, vaccines do not stimulate the immune system in a healthy, effective manner. The side of the immune system that is supposed to kill the viruses and other pathogens, the T cells, is actually suppressed and becomes ineffective so it can't kill them. The B cell side that causes allergic and autoimmune activity becomes over-active. So the immune system becomes seriously compromised, and cannot work like it should. Autoimmune conditions develop where the overactive inflammatory side of the immune system starts attacking cells where pathogens or toxins are hiding. Recent research shows that autism is indeed an autoimmune condition.

There is another factor with vaccines that leads to the development of autism. Dr. Carley explains, The antigens present in the culture media itself [on which the viruses used to make the vaccine are grown] cannot be completely filtered and separated from the organisms cultured thereon [the vaccine's viruses]. Thus, any antibodies formed against antigens from the culture cells themselves (for example myelin basic protein from chick embryos or the 13 vaccines which now contain aborted human fetal cells) can cross-react to form an autoimmune reaction against the myelin basic protein in your myelin sheath, etc.

This autoimmune reaction is crucial in the development of autism. The destruction of the myelin sheath protecting the nerves is one of the primary causative factors for autism.

Molecular mimicry is due to similarity of proteins contained in organisms and mammals. (For example, the measles virus is made up of proteins similar to myelin basic protein; thus, antibodies formed against the measles virus antigens subsequently also cause an auto-antibody attack against myelin basic protein in the myelin sheath due to cross reactivity of these antibodies.)

So not only do vaccines overload the child with toxins. They may start autoimmune responses against the nerve fibers in the brain, exposing and damaging them. This activity alone can cause autism. The myelin sheath continues to grow until about age 10. It is important to stop the attack on it as early as possible, to deal with autism at as young an age as possible, so that the myelin sheath can grow normally and recover from the damage to it.
