... 0180211-p4yzy8.html 文中提到去年一月发生虾白斑病时他中断家庭在黄金海岸的度假回首都。完事之后,因只能享受飞回家的福利,到不了黄金海岸,他选择租车开了几天才回黄金海岸和家人团聚。abc报道回程和女朋友有关。 Mr Joyce left a family holiday on the Sunshine Coast in January last year to return to Canberra to deal with an outbreak of white spot disease, which was hitting Australia's prawn farms. Instead of flying directly back to Maroochydore to rejoin his family, Mr Joyce hired a car and drove back over several days - costing taxpayers $1648. He later repaid $708 because he was only entitled to claim the cost of returning to his home base of Tamworth, not to the Queensland coast. The ABC has reported the journey involved Ms Campion although Mr Joyce's office on Sunday refused to answer further questions about the trip. |