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本周日 22/3/09 蓝山骑山地车活动 (更新)

2009-3-15 19:54| 发布者: kuxxc | 查看: 694| 原文链接

先自我介绍噢。。我是建。这里有几张我和老婆的照片。 ... 226827&l=f3648c7ecc

我想去蓝山mountain bike... 貌似坛上很多野行专家,谁有兴趣或更好的提议不妨给点意见。
Depart early Sunday morning. Either ride in my car or catch a train.

Trail starts from Katoomba.

If you don't have a mountain bike, you can hire from Katoomba for $55/day. The bike comes with helmet and emergency repair equipment.

Route to be decided. But I wish to do Narrowneck - someone's trip/photos are posted here if you want to see what it's like:

Note this is a mountain bike only trip (i.e. no road bikes or KMart bikes).

If interested let me know early your fitness level (can jog 5km or swim 200m freestyle non-stop), and whether or not you are driving.

Hope to meet some new friends... and some not too new friends from oz... :)

You need to be REASONABLY FIT as there's a lot of uphill sections at Blue Mountain! (a minimum will be can jog 5km, or swim freestyle 200m non-stop)

What to Bring
1. packed lunch and some energy/feelgood food if desired
2. small backpack to carry with you when you ride
3. water bottle with water
4. personal first aid kit if you have any
5. sunscreen and sunglasses
6. suitable clothing - the morning can be cold (check forecast before hand)

How to Get There:
1. In my car - meet me at Wolli Creek train station at 8:00am
2. Train/Drive yourself - meet outside Katoomba Train Station at 9:30am

Trip will be cancelled if I call you due to one of these reasons:
1. it does not have at least 3 people
2. Bad weather (don't look at Sydney as it is unrelated to Blue Mountain)
3. train trackwork (for people catching train)

If I don't call you that means it's going ahead.

If you're renting bike, I need to book it by close of business Friday. Please confirm with me asap.

Msn/Email me at

[ 本帖最后由 kuxxc 于 2011-1-13 13:49 编辑 ]
