Members often ask me where to go fishing in South Coast. I found that it is really hard to answer as the harvests at certain places where I often go are getting less and less productive. However, you may try the following safe fishing spots: Moruya Airport Rock walls, Broulee beach side, Batemans Bay Bridge (under), Batemans Bay Marine Rescue Headquarters, Long Beach, Durras Lake, Wasp Point, 最近很多朋友问我在新州South Coast区到哪里钓鱼。这个问题非常难。我个人经常去的地方现在渔获越来越少,而鱼多的地方又非常危险。最近在南岸地区有好几起岩钓坠海遇难事件。我个人推荐以下比较安全的钓鱼点:Moruya Airport 石堤,Broulee,Batemans bay bridge 桥下 和 船码头,Batemans Bay Marine Rescue Headquarter 石堤,Bawley Point. Wasp Point,Long beach. 如果您觉得有用,请赐分。 |