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ZT 维基百科征图比赛 Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 in Australia

2017-9-2 12:45| 发布者: hgaox | 查看: 3547| 原文链接

Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 in Australia(澳洲各个州和领地的地标建筑清单参考以下连结的超链接)

Australia is participating in Wiki Loves Monuments for the first time in 2017. Photographs of any registered heritage places are eligible for consideration in the judging. The competition will be open for entries from 00:00(AEST) 1 September 2017 until 23:59(AWST) 30 September 2017.

A list of heritage places can be found at List of Australian heritage sites.

Upload your image via the WLM upload tool, please include a description of the place and on which register it has been listed.

You can also upload photos in 7:1 format for use as page banners on Wikivoyage, the free travel guide. Check details here. Please, use a separate upload link

The basic set of rules for the contest are:
All photos participating in the competition should be self-taken and self-uploaded;
All Photographs should of places listed on a Heritage register
Upload during September only (00:01 AEST 1 September until 23:59 AWST 30th September), to Wikimedia Commons;
The default licence is Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0);
All eligible pictures should have an identifier, given by the participants during upload;
Participants should have their e-mail enabled on Wikimedia Commons (or the platform they uploaded their photos to) to be eligible for prizes;
Judging will take place in October key criteria considered in judging

technical merit, light, composition, focus, lens distortion, detail
place is registered on a Heritage Register
encyclopedic value
Other things to consider is placement with in the subjects local environment, unique perspective especially for the more commonly photographed places.

10 entries will be chosen with each one receiving $100, and being submitted for International judging. One Image will be selected as the judges choice the author of this image will receive a canvass so upload your best image resolution image to ensure you receive a great print.

Page banners will be judged only on the international level. The prize will be given for the best overall contribution, as detailed here. ... s_2017_in_Australia

