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关于小学混班(About Composite Class)

2009-2-13 20:31| 发布者: meigui | 查看: 2671| 原文链接

Classes that are made up of children of different year levels have traditionally been called composite class. There are two reasons why these classes are formed:
Educational-where they are seen as having an educational benefit for the students.
Administrative-where there is an uneven enrollment in school years.

(I think the second reason is dominant. When school enrollment continues to be high and uneven in certain year levels composite classes are unavoidable, coz all primary schools are staffed by a state wide formula.)

The range of criteria used for forming these classed included social relationships, academic ability, age/maturity, gender balance, access to existing school programs, and organization of teaching groups. In composite groups where the year level has been split amongst two classes, ability levels have been kept the same and both classes will be doing similar work.

(To what extent may these criteria be used in a reasonable and effective way depends upon the school principal’s capability. However, in most cases blindness and liberty seems inevitable.)

Regardless of how classes are formed each individual students is taught and assessed in terms of syllabus learning outcomes. It’s also recognized that some students will be performing at below stage level and some above. It is the teacher’s responsibility to plan, program, present and evaluate syllabus outcomes for individual students.

(So what really count are the strategies a class teacher will use to organize the class learning. An accomplished class teacher can minimize the side effects a composite class may occur.)

