谢联斌在三月初提出上诉意愿 10/05/2017 Northern District Times 谢联斌正在对针对他的北恩平林家五重谋杀罪的定罪提出起诉。 谢在今年3月2日发出了上诉意愿书(Notice of intention of appeal)。陪审团在1月份认定他有罪,于2009年在受害者Boundary Road家中谋杀了他们。林家在恩平Rawson St.开着一家书报社。 法官Elizabeth Fullerton判了他5个无期徒刑。 谢有6个月的时间来准备并正式提出完整的上诉。还没有开庭时间表。 Northern District Times, 10/05/2017 Xie to file an appeal ROBERT Xie Lianbin is still to complete lodging an appeal against his conviction for the murder of five members of the North Epping Lin family. Xie filed a Notice of Intention to Appeal on March 2, after a jury in January convicted him of the 2009 murders at the family’s Boundary Rd home. The Lins ran a newsagency at Rawson St, Epping. Justice Elizabeth Fullerton gave him a life sentence for each of the five murders. Xie has six months from the time he lodged his notice to file his full appeal. No court dates have been set. |