今天SMH的文章。 看点: 1)某国际机构研究表明:AUSTRALIA is home to three of the most "severely unaffordable housing markets" studied by an international group that predicts the housing bubble here is yet to burst. --文章中比较了美国,英国,加拿大,爱尔兰,和新西兰。文中可以看出加拿大是另一个未跌的国家,还有一个是谁?我怎么没有在文中找到线索?因为根据本文,美国,英国,爱尔兰和新西兰已经下跌了。有趣的是,没有下跌的加拿大和澳大利亚在经济结构等方面是很相似的。 2)最贵的地区(与平均收入相比)排名如下 --1.Sunshine Coast in Queensland --2.Honolulu --3.Gold Coast --4.Vancouver --5.Sydney --12.Melbourne and Adelaide --14.New York --16.London --32.Dublin 有一点不明白,如果这个研究是用收入中间值和房价中间值比来排列,那么象黄金海岸等度假区的收入中间值怎么算?有很大一部分人在那里买的是holiday home用来自用和出租.那这些人如果不居住在本地,他们的收入是否计算在内?这些地方的经济都是以旅游业为主,收入不高是自然的,那用这些城市来同成熟的都市比如悉尼来比较是否妥当. 3)Australia would be next, it said. "Sooner or later, the inherent instability that characterises virtually all bubbles will lead to house price declines in Australia." --有待验证 4)反面观点:But an economist for CommSec, Savanth Sebastian, said falling interest rates and the first-home buyer's grant would help keep prices steady."We are not going to see dramatic falls this year," he said. --有待验证. 5)现状:But affordability was a problem, he said. "Adjusted for inflation, the average house price in Australia is now more than twice what it was 20 years ago." 6)问题根本:"The reason Australia is so expensive is because of the regulatory-induced supply shortage that has pushed up the price of land permitted to be used for housing." 看来还是政府的问题.对别的地区我不是很了解,就悉尼来说,比方大西区有大块的土地可以开发,但是似乎愿意去开发的人不多.对于澳大利亚这样一个有着beach文化的国家来说,人们似乎都喜欢挤在海边.现在政府也似乎有意开发西部,但是阻力也不小.其中很大的原因是交通问题.那么悉尼的问题如何解决?单纯地房价跌下来?还是发展卫星城市?一头雾水.如果这个问题不解决,随着悉尼人口的增加(2030达到6百万),就算这次房价跌下来了,将来也会很快反弹,除非这个问题得到根本解决. 各位牛年发财! |