Hi Friends, Two months ago my family went for a swimming and snorkelling , in a beach next to the Golf course at La Parouse. My six year old son found some sea urchins. He was excited to take one to his mum, though I told him that it was spiky and do not touch it. While my wife was so bored (she did not swim) and she saw that a group of other people were cutting sea urchins, she tried to find out what it is inside sea urchin and started cutting the shell. Just at this moment, two fishery patrol staffs appeared and gave my wife a $200 fines for not having licenses. I told them that it was my son who took the sea urchin, not my wife. But the fishery staff said that as parents, we have the responsibility to buy fishing licenses for kids. Later my wife paid the fines to avoid argument with the staff. However, I did not think that it is right, as children under 18 do not need fishing licenses. Is my understanding correct? Is it possible to discuss it with someone to get a refund? Cheers. |