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什么是 "Kwong Lee Dow scholarship"墨尔本大学给每一间维州中学配置的奖学金,对所有维州高中在读生都是个机会!

2017-3-26 20:17| 发布者: Lianglefeng | 查看: 5503| 原文链接


我们想知道更多关于墨大Kwong Lee Dow 这一广为人知的奖学金,到底是什么奖学金来的,学生们是怎样申请,而得奖学金的学生通常又是怎样利用这一奖学金的呢?

通常我们授予每间学校,两位郭理道青年奖学金的机会。 通常这两个奖学金名额的分配是从学校的不多于五提名中选拔出来。墨大除了会考虑学校高中部给予的建议,也把提名学生平时参与的校内外活动与个人兴趣结合起来,无论是学生在运动,音乐或其他领域的领导才能,都会被学校考虑。而墨尔本大学希望做到的是吸纳一个涵盖面很大的学校范围,这里指的是希望以维州每一个学校的高中部做选拔的基础。这样使得学生们感受到,到墨大读大学,不是一样可怕或者是遥不可及的事情。这一奖学金计划的目的是希望让11和12 年级的学生们能跟大学有实质性的联系,比如通过一些互联网的连接;亲身步入墨尔本大学的一些设施,像图书馆;能有限度地走进校园看一下;如果是乡郊学校的学生,能到大学学生宿舍住一晚,感受一下大学校园的气息这样。


we’d like to know more about the Melbourne University’s prestigious Kwong Lee Dow Scholarships, what they’re about, who can apply and how students can make good use of such scholarships.

KLD: The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program was developed by Melbourne University after I’d actually finished at the university, which they very kindly named after me in recognition of what I’d done earlier. Its fundamental concern is trying to ensure that students coming to the university came from every secondary school in Victoria. The main purpose is to ensure every school, who wants to put forward one or two students for consideration, will have the opportunity to do so. This is not a scholarship that is simply on ability. It takes account of schools. There’s usually two Kwong Lee Dow scholars and they’re selected initially from a group the school puts forward, sometimes up to five names, and the university will generally take the advice of the school, but it will also look to the range of activities and interests that the students have. If you’ve got somebody who has shown some leadership, whether in a music, sporting or some other area, that is taken into account positively. But the university wants to get a wide range of students drawn from a substantial number of schools, hopefully from all schools in Victoria. This gives the students a sense that this [going to Melbourne University] is not something they should be fearful of or beyond their reach.  So the idea of the program is to have students in years 11 and 12, to have some association with the university, maybe through quite a bit of online linkage, access to university facilities like libraries, a limited number of visits, and country students being able to come and stay overnight at a residential college. By the time they finish year 12, they don’t think of the University of Melbourne as a distant place that they couldn’t possibly entertain. But that they feel some familiarity, been on campus, and met some other students from similar backgrounds and circumstances. That’s really the heart of the program.

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