华人媒体报道一名名叫Eddy的中国留学生遭到几名中东学生的身体欺凌和虐待,导致了身体受到了严重的伤害。这场殴斗时间依然在调查之中,新洲的工党多元化部长Simon Zhou强调这次事件是学生之间的殴斗和欺负。他强调,应该保护每个人免受歧视。 Chinese media reported that Chinese student Eddy was allegedly physically abused by several Middle Eastern students, resulting in physical bodily harm. This incident is still under investigation. NSW Labor Multicultural Director Simon Zhou stressed that this incident is a fighting and bully between students. He emphasized that everyone should be protected against discrimination. Our audience commentated the incident. Source: http://www.sbs.com.au/yourlangua ... oncerns?language=en 这是我唯一能在各大媒体里面找到对殴打案件的报道,希望这条新闻可以在新闻正版生存下来 |