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2017-1-21 19:14| 发布者: ItsThere | 查看: 4704| 原文链接 ... south-coast/8200572

NSW drowning: Man dies after being washed off rocks with four others at Tathra

A man has died after being swept off rocks with four other fishermen at Tathra on the far south coast of New South Wales.

Emergency crews were called to Tathra after a wave knocked five anglers into the ocean about 1:00pm.

Two of them were able to scramble back onto the rocks and the remaining three were pulled out of the water by volunteer lifesavers.

Two of the people who were rescued received CPR however one of them, who is believed to be in his 50s, died at the scene.

Liam Howitt from Surf Life Saving New South Wales said the man was not wearing a life jacket.

"Unfortunately this incident does serve as a reminder of just how important life jackets are," he said.

"The common denominator in all the drownings for rock fishing deaths, over the last decade really but certainly over the last 18 months, is that every single person who has drowned while rock fishing hasn't been wearing a life jacket and unfortunately that trend has continued today.

"A rock fishing drowning is a very tragic situation for everyone involved."

The man is yet to be formally identified and a report will be prepared for the coroner.

The group was fishing on a rock platform to the south of Tathra Headland, a popular spot for local anglers.

A dangerous surf warning for deceptively powerful surf was issued yesterday and will remain in place for the rest of Saturday.

About 14 people have drowned, or died after drowning-related incidents, in New South Wales since Christmas Day 2016.
