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2016年那点事---参加 Frankston think big 活动

2016-12-16 16:12| 发布者: mikelee19 | 查看: 4177| 原文链接

Frankston 2016 举行了 think big 活动,就是邀请人们为Frankston的未来发展献计献策。我参加了。

活动规定,被投票前10名的想法会被Frankston council 讨论。



但Frankston 康嫂还是很周到,把所有想法都列入报告中。我的想法被归入INFRASTRUCTURE ,在第59页。内容如下:

Do you like to watch the first grade art works in Frankston that needn't to go to China, Japan, France, etc.? It can be true since I have a lot of the best art works from the Chairman, Vice Chairman, etc. of China association of Chinese Calligraphists, painters, artists, etc. If we can build a museum in Frankston, exhibit the best art works in the museum, all the people in Frankston can visit the museum everyday. You can watch the art works whose art works are hanging in the centre government in China, exhibit in Paris holding by the UN education and science organization, exhibit in the museum of Japan, etc. How to build the museum, need all the people in Frankston to support, get the donation from the citizens here, the foundations, the businessmen, etc. We can do it now if we have enough fund for the museum. The museum will attract many and many tourists around world, get a lot of work opportunities and income for Frankston. Do you think it is a great opportunity here? Please support it, and make it happens immediately. Many thanks.

