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關於 VIC Birth Registration Statement (BRS) 表格中的填寫 Step 8 這個部分~

2016-2-24 13:10| 发布者: toro | 查看: 4525| 原文链接

關於 VIC Birth Registration Statement (BRS) 表格中的填寫 Step 8 這個部分~

裡面有說到見證人 是一定要填寫嗎?


父母親的見證人都要 還是只要一個就可以?

  1. Step 8 – Declarations

  2. Do not complete this section until you have a witness present.

  3. Both parents must complete and sign this form regardless of their marital or relationship status. Signing this form acknowledges parenthood of the child.

  4. I declare that the information provided in this form is true and correct. I understand that this form remains the property of the State of Victoria and that some or all of the information provided may be disclosed to persons or bodies with adequate entitlement to the information under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 or the Registry’s Access Policy.
  5. I understand that it is an offence under section 53 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 to knowingly make a false or misleading representation and that penalties may apply.

  6. Note.

  7. • Parents must sign the declaration in the presence of a witness.

  8. • A witness must be 18 years of age or over and not a parent of the child.

  9. • One person may be the witness for both parents.

  10. *37. Mother’s declaration:

  11. I certify that I have read and understood the declaration above:

  12. a) Mother’s signature

  13. Witness details

  14. Family name (surname)

  15. Given name

  16. Date of birth D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

  17. Daytime telephone number

  18. c) Witness signature

  19. *38. Father or parent’s declaration:

  20. I certify that I have read and understood the declaration above:

  21. a) Father or parent’s

  22. signature

  23. Witness details

  24. Family name (surname)

  25. Given name

  26. Date of birth D D D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

  27. Daytime telephone number

  28. c) Witness signature

  29. If you do not require a birth certificate, go to PART THREE

  30. b) Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

  31. *39. Are the details and/or signature of one of the parents missing?

  32. Yes You must attach a statutory declaration addressed

  33. to the Registrar which explains:

  34. • why that parent’s details and/or signature are missing

  35. • what attempts have been made to obtain them.

  36. No Go to question 40.

  37. *40. Are you in dispute about the child’s name?

  38. Yes Both parents are still required to:

  39. • sign this form

  40. • attach a letter addressed to the Registrar which

  41. explains the dispute.

  42. No Go to Part Two.


所以寄了 email 給我~

我只要把 pdf 表格填寫完畢回傳就好?

