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TPG forces users off cheap plan

2005-10-11 22:07| 发布者: | 查看: 628| 原文链接

Broadband provider TPG has begun informing out-of-contract customers that they must switch to new, more expensive plans after its popular $49.95 1.5Mbit plan was removed from sale.

The plan, which offered 20GB of downloads, was the second most popular broadband plan according to Whirlpool user profiles. At the time it was announced, many in the industry thought it was being offered below cost, or that a special deal had been struck with Telstra Wholesale.

Sweeping changes to TPG's ADSL plans were announced almost two weeks ago, and users have been left in the lurch about whether they could stay on the plan. Users who rang the helpdesk were told nothing would change, and repeated inquiries by Whirlpool went unanswered. Forum threads on the issue received hundreds of posts.

Only customers that have finished contracts are being asked to switch plans. If they do not nominate a new plan, the $69.95 plan will be chosen automatically.

In an email to affected customers, TPG claims that the action is "necessitated by changes to our costs".
