RT 补充内容 (2015-4-20 15:07): 墨尔本地区Entertainment book团购来啦! 下礼拜会先到10本先到先得! 每本$58可以周中来CT面交周末也可以在Doncaster or Boxhill面交! 有需求请私信联系方 补充内容 (2015-4-21 09:03): The first batch has been booked out QingZhang23 CT Cathy~~~~~ CT Xuankefeng CT Bert Unknown 小猪粑粑3 CT nuannuan123 CT fabulous CT or BH eva0516 BH amanda33 Unknown 尘露 CT or DonC 补充内容 (2015-4-21 09:12): I will try to order another 10 books today. Hope they can be delivered at the same time with the first batch The second batch has four books left so far 补充内容 (2015-4-21 14:02): I have ordered another 10 books (20 all together now) They will be delivered tomorrow morning. I have PMed all of you with my mobile number and pick up address in CT 补充内容 (2015-4-21 14:04): For those whom would like to meet in BH or Doncaster. The location will be Box Central Doncaster Westfiled shopping Central Weekends midday only. Please call or text me to confirm meeting time 补充内容 (2015-4-27 09:36): Most of the books has been picked up, apart from a few cancellations and no shows. There are still 6 books left, please feel free to contact me if you are interested. 补充内容 (2015-5-9 22:04): 还有两本书。 如果不方便取书的亲们我也可以安排电子版,价钱一样。 补充内容 (2015-5-12 10:35): 书版已经没有了。如果扔有需要的话我可以帮您订电子版的价钱一样是$58。可以把邮箱留给我. 补充内容 (2015-5-15 23:47): 今天又定了20本墨尔本的书版。有需要的同学可以继续跟帖。 |