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[其他信息] 03-8644-2948 这个电话是诈骗电话哈 大家注意了 [复制链接]

发表于 2014-10-23 17:04 |显示全部楼层
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03-8644-2948 这个电话是诈骗电话哈 大家注意了

Got a call from 03-8644-2948

Indians claiming to be from Telstra offering better deal than what you are currently on. Tell you that you will get free line rental, free local and national calls and will only have to be $50 per month. They then ask for your licence number and credit card details so you can apparently prove to them who you are...this is a complete scam. DO NOT give them any information. They are indian scammers. They will keep calling you. I have told them I am not interested and hung up and then will get another 4 or 5 calls the same day. They do not take no for an answer. Even if you tell them to f**k off they still keep ringing!!!!!!!!!!!

The best thing to do is call your phone provider and have all telemarketing calls blocked from your number. I just did this with IINET they advised me it would take up to seven days to go into affect, they also advised me to make a police report for harassing phone calls.


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