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本帖最后由 cheercherry 于 2014-9-24 13:35 编辑
noway 发表于 2014-9-24 13:31 
一月reset怎么操作? 我以为是税务年reset.
你所需要做的是去medicare确认你开启了自己的medicare safety net, 其他的都不需要做
medicare自己会把你的medicare threshold 重新累计; 这个是按照calendar year, 而不是financial year;
If you see a doctor often, or have tests regularly, your medical costs could be high. Visiting a doctor or having tests may cost you less once you reach a Medicare Safety Net threshold.
Once you reach the relevant threshold, the Medicare Safety Net may provide a higher Medicare benefit for all eligible services for the rest of the calendar year. This may mean that visits to your doctor or having tests could cost you less. For example, once you reach the relevant threshold, you still pay the same amount upfront to your doctor, however you may receive a higher Medicare benefit, making your out of pocket expenses much less.
http://www.humanservices.gov.au/ ... medicare-safety-net