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本帖最后由 hj1985 于 2013-7-2 21:58 编辑
No input tax credit (refund of GST paid) can be claimed where entertainment expenses are not deductible for tax purposes.
A. non-deductible client entertainment,拟设立一个这样的账户就好,反正client entertainment都是三无,no FBT, No input tax credit, no deduction
B. 自己吃饭的费用可以计入travel&meal或者类似的费用,不要变成Entertainment了。就当work meal好了,这样既可以claim GST,又可以做deduction,又不需要交FBT
老板陪客人那个部分,我之前上过班的一家公司非常creative,我的FC叫我全部计入marketing - others,一分FBT都不交,当然这是比较doggy的作法。最正规的还是用Actual Method报FBT,tax deductible,可以claim input tax,考虑到你有cleint entertainment 50/50 split不太好。Loan的那个方法挺好的
2)Food and drink provided at an in-house dining facility not at a social function, not subject to FBT,可以claim input tax credit, deductible
3). 对的,限额是per head
总之entertainment expense是non-deductible,就不能claim input tax credit。staff entertainment只有交FBT的部分才能claim input tax credit。
这个Topic,很多会计都很Confusing!!!其实我也是头晕。特别是Christmas party, ATO说Minor Benefit要Exempt的话就要irregular,可是Xmas Party一年一次,算irregular吗? |