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来澳洲有阵子了,居安思危,一直想系统分析下在这里如何转嫁不可控风险。前阵子参考了站上相关保险的资料,折腾了差不多一周,最后投保了Life/TPD, Traume/IP。下面分享下我的选择和想法,以作后来者参考。
关于Life/TPD,选了Level Premium, CPI increase NOT required,own occupation, 65岁
Level Premium模式,保费不会随年龄增加而增加。另外还有stepped premium可选,这个保费会随年龄增加。一开始Level Premium会比stepped Premium交得多。但我让Agent提供了从现在到65岁的保费预测。stepped Premium差不多10年后就追平Level Premium了,然后如果再交10年,那stepped Premium就多交的可观了。
关于CPI,如果选了Required,那保费会每年随CPI递增而上涨。注意的是,上涨幅度有最小值,比如最小值是5%(每个保险公司不同),如果当年实际CPI是2%,但保费还是会涨5%。我因为对每年交保费总额比较敏感,所以没有选择CPI increasement模式,但把总保额提高了些(主要考虑剩余房贷,小孩教育)
选own occupation是因为如果残疾,有些工作是不影响的,但可能当前从事的工作就没法做了
关于Traume/IP,选了stepped Premium, 3个月等待期。
选Stepped,是因为这个主要保收入的,Level premium的优势要连续交10年以上才能体现,谁知道是否当中会没有工作几年呢?如果一直有工作收入,Stepped多交应该也可以承受。
Types of Insurance Cover:
Term Life Insurance: Life cover can help your family cope financially in the event of your death. Life insurance typically pays a lump sum if you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness and have 12 months or less to live.
Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Insurance: TPD cover provides a level of financial security to you if you are unable to work due to long term illness or injury. TPD insurance pays a lump sum should you be unable to ever work again due to total and permanent disablement
Trauma Insurance: Trauma cover provides funds to assist in meeting medical and other costs that can arise should you suffer a specific trauma. Trauma cover pays a lump sum should you suffer a serious illness such as a heart attack, cancer, stroke or any other specified medical conditions covered by the nominated insurer.
Income Protection: Income protection cover provides up to 75% of you regular income paid as a monthly benefit should you be unable to work due to an illness or injury. Your income is defined as earnings before tax after any business expenses. |