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NSW大选工党溃败的罪魁祸首工党新领袖 John Robertson
个人生活或许幸福 但如果担当领导则是祸国殃民。
John Robertson成为NSW工党领袖是NSW人民的福气,因为联盟党可以至少执政8年。
另一个例子是曾经在1988-2007雄踞澳洲首富位置20年James Packer,传媒大亨Kerry Packer的儿子,Frank Packer的孙子,其父鼠目寸光,His father dismissed the idea of sending young James to university by saying "Why would he want to go there. To go learn to smoke marijuana?"
唯一的例外是Paul Keating,在Bankstown 的De La Salle College天主教教会学校毕业后,放弃了上大学的机会,成为NSW电力协会的clerk, 后来成为工会的research assistant. Keating虽然没受过大学教育,但激进,勇于改革,曾经大胆推进澳洲废女王立共和.
1983-1991年Bob Hawke政府的财长,1991-1996年担任澳洲总理。
Keating 1983年实行澳元浮动,实行Medicare, 减少进口关税,进行工会改革,税法改革,Telstra 和联邦银行的私有化,以及放松银行管制,确立4大支柱银行,1985年第1个提出GST。对难民进行强制关押。
John Robertson, the former NSW Transport Minister took office from 20 May 2010,was born 16 November 1962.
He was educated at Denistone East Primary School and Ryde High School. His first job was working for
Woolworths packing shopping bags for shoppers at the age of 15. He left school at 16 and began an apprenticeship as an electrician.
Robertson played the greatest role in elevating Nathan Rees to State Premier following Morris Iemma’s resignation in 2008. He was also regarded as a pivotal player in the campaign to replace Federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley with Kevin Rudd.
On 18 October 2008 he was endorsed to be the Labor Party candidate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of former State Treasurer Michael Costa. He was subsequently appointed to the New South Wales Legislative Council to fill that casual vacancy.
Costa was Robertson’s predecessor at Unions NSW, and ironically, was one of the causes that led to Costa’s resignation due to blocking of the privatization of the NSW power industry.
Shortly after his swearing in, former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating sent a scathing letter to Robertson stating that Keating was "ashamed to share membership of the same party" as him.
Keating 3年前就神仙般的预测 由于Roberston的反对电力私有化 将导致 工党在下次选举中溃败
Keating's view of Robertson was that his opposition to the privatisation bid would cost Labor dearly at the next State election.
[ 本帖最后由 长安雪梨 于 2011-3-29 23:13 编辑 ] |
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