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[信息讨论] [信息]澳洲下周金融大事(15/03/2010-19/03/2010) [复制链接]

发表于 2010-3-14 20:39 |显示全部楼层
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MONDAY, March 15
Sydney - Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) assistant governor (financial system) Malcolm Edey to address Cards and Payments Australasia 2010 Conference
Sydney - Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) lending finance data for January
Sydney - March 2010 10-year bond futures contract expires (1200 AEDT)
Sydney - March 2010 three-year bond futures contract expires (1200 AEDT)
Sydney - Cards and Payments Australasia conference (day 1 of 3)
Sydney - 12th Annual Performance Attribution Risk Measurement Forum (day 1 of 2)
Perth - Stirling Resources Ltd general meeting
Perth - TVN Corporation Ltd general meeting
Perth - 2010 Paydirt Gold Conference (day 1 of 2)

TUESDAY, March 16
Sydney - RBA publishes minutes of March 2 monetary policy meeting
Sydney - CFS Retail Property Trust general meeting
Sydney - Commonwealth Property Office general meeting
Sydney - Queensland Mining Corp Ltd general meeting
Sydney - Stockland Group managing director Matthew Quinn and Infrastructure Partnerships Australia chairman Mark Birrel to address Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce on Infrastructure - Australia's Future
Sydney - Cards and Payments Australasia conference (day 2 of 3)
Sydney - 12th Annual Performance Attribution Risk Measurement Forum (day 2 of 2)
Sydney - Pacific Rim Resources Investment conference (day 1 of 2)
Melbourne - Equities and Freeholds Ltd general meeting
Melbourne - Melbourne Mining Club Cutting Edge series of company presentations feature A-Cap Resources managing director Dr Andrew Tunks, Drummond Gold managing director Doug Grewar, and Silver Swan Group managing director Dr Susan Vearncombe
Brisbane - Cloncurry Metals Ltd general meeting
Brisbane - Coal Seam Methane World Australia 2010 conference (day 1 of 3)
Perth - 2010 Paydirt Gold Conference (day 2 of 2)

Canberra - Final decision by Australian Competition and Consumer Commission due on separate acquisition proposals for AXA Asia Pacific Holdings by AMP and National Australia Bank
Melbourne - RBA assistant governor (financial markets) Guy Debelle  is a panel discussant at the MFAA Industry Leaders' Luncheon
Sydney - ABS dwelling unit commencements for December quarter 2009.
Sydney - Westpac-Melbourne Institute Indexes of Economic Activity for March
Sydney - David Jones Ltd half year results
Sydney - Bounty Mining Ltd annual general meeting
Sydney - 7th annual van Eyk annual investment conference
Sydney - Cards and Payments Australasia conference (day 3 of 3)
Sydney - Pacific Rim Resources Investment conference (day 2 of 2)
Brisbane - Meridian Minerals Ltd general meeting
Brisbane - Coal Seam Methane World Australia 2010 conference (day 2 of 3)
THURSDAY, March 18
Sydney - Melbourne Institute Household Saving and Investment Report March quarter
Sydney - Vanguard chief economist and head of investment strategy in the US, Joe Davis, to address breakfast briefing on lessons from global financial crisis and likely future direction of investment markets
Canberra - Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Westpac survey of industrial trends
Brisbane - Coal Seam Methane World Australia 2010 conference (day 2 of 3)
Perth - Modular Building Design, Construct & Deliver conference (day 1 of 2)
Sydney - FINSIA Islamic Finance seminar
Perth - FINSIA half-day forum: The M&A Landscape - 2010 & beyond
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia - Mining the Eastern Goldfields 2010 conference (day 1 of 2)
Christchurch, New Zealand - Kathmandu Holdings Ltd first-half results
Sydney - Food Safety and Sustainability Forum (day 1 of 2)
Melbourne - Annual Financial Planning Association (FPA) Small Principals Conference (day 1 of 2)

FRIDAY, March 19
Sydney - Melbourne Institute bulletin of economic trends
Brisbane - BioSignal Ltd general meeting
Brisbane - Diatreme Resources Ltd general meeting
Perth - DataMotion Asia Pacific Ltd extraordinary general meeting
Perth - Modena Resources Ltd general meeting
Perth - Range Resources Ltd general meeting
Perth - Stonehenge Metals Ltd special meeting
Perth - Modular Building Design, Construct & Deliver conference (day 2 of 2)
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia - Mining the Eastern Goldfields 2010 conference (day 2 of 2)
Sydney - Food Safety and Sustainability Forum (day 2 of 2)
Melbourne - Annual Financial Planning Association (FPA) Small Principals Conference (day 2 of 2)


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