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发表于 2010-3-2 00:48 |显示全部楼层
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Calendar of local business events

MONDAY, March 1
Sydney - Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) balance of payments and international investment position for December quarter
Sydney - ABS business indicators for December quarter
Sydney - Australian Industry Group/PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index for February
Sydney - TD Securities - Melbourne Institute inflation gauge for February
Sydney - Housing Industry Association (HIA) new homes sales for January
Sydney - Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson addresses The Sydney Institute on resources, energy and the future.
Melbourne - Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) governor Glenn Stevens will be a panel discussant at the ASIC Summer School at the Grand Hyatt.
Melbourne - 15th Annual Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) summer school on 'Securities and investments regulation beyond the crisis' including panel discussant RBA governor Glenn Stevens (day 1 of 3)
Sydney - RBA index of commodity prices for February
Perth - Labour Day public holiday (Western Australia)
Adelaide - Paydirt 2010 Uranium conference (day 1 of 2)

TUESDAY, March 2
Sydney - RBA board meeting and interest rate decision
Sydney - ABS retail trade for January
Sydney - ABS building approvals for January
Sydney - ABS data on government spending for December quarter
Sydney - Axiom Mining Ltd annual general meeting
Melbourne - Nufarm Ltd extraordinary general meeting
Melbourne - ETF Securities Ltd and The World Gold Council seminar on "The Investment Case for Gold"
Melbourne - 15th Annual Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) summer school on 'Securities and investments regulation beyond the crisis' (day 2 of 3)
Perth - Coventry Resources Ltd general meeting
Perth - Graynic Metals Ltd general meeting
Perth - Vital Metals Ltd general meeting
Perth - Power & Electricity World Western Australia conference (day 1 of 3)
Adelaide - Paydirt 2010 Uranium conference (day 2 of 2)

Canberra - Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) Outlook 2010 outlook conference
Sydney - ABS Australian national accounts for December quarter
Sydney - Australian Industry Group/Commonwealth Bank Australian Performance of Services Index for February
Sydney - International Monetary Fund deputy managing director Murilo Portugal addresses University of NSW Australian School of Business
Melbourne - 15th Annual Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) summer school on 'Securities and investments regulation beyond the crisis' (day 3 of 3)
Perth - Power & Electricity World Western Australia conference (day 2 of 3)
Perth - ETF Securities Ltd and The World Gold Council seminar on "The Investment Case for Gold"

Sydney - ABS international trade in goods and services for February
Sydney - NSW Minister for Transport and Roads David Campbell address Committee for the Economic Development of Australia on 'NSW transport policy and leadership'
Perth - Eco Quest Ltd general meeting
Perth - Power & Electricity World Western Australia conference (day 3 of 3)
Brisbane - Metal Storm Ltd general meeting

FRIDAY, March 5
Sydney - Australian Industry Group - Housing Industry Association Australian Performance of Construction Index for February.
Adelaide - MX Resources Ltd general meeting
Perth - Lodestar Minerals Ltd general meeting


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