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关于4月30日以后取消隔离的具体含义我一直都没有100%的确认是不是未完全接种者的weekly arrival cap也同时取消,也每天都去浏览刷新政府各个相关网站的相关页面,今天替一个朋友找信息时突然发现infrastructure官网上终于更新了(https://www.infrastructure.gov.a ... response/passengers)
这里面明确地说从海外飞机来VIC NSW QLD和SA不受任何限制了,但是入境人数上限在西澳依然存在,不过西澳会在5月底review入境和隔离政策,目前入境西澳的依然受制于配额,所以直接入境西澳的还是需要确定申请到航司的配额才能成行。原文如下:
There are no restrictions on the number international passenger arrivals into international airports in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland or South Australia.
International passenger arrival caps are currently in place for Western Australia. These caps in are focussed on unvaccinated arrivals who are required to go into managed quarantine.
These caps limit the number of unvaccinated passengers international airlines can carry to Western Australia on each flight. Western Australia has indicated they will be reviewing their quarantine arrangements by the end of May 2022.