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本帖最后由 aus.property 于 2021-8-14 15:32 编辑
The AMA’s NSW president, Dr Danielle McMullen, has released a statement warning the state’s health system “can no longer manage the alarming increase in case numbers”.
AMA 的新南威尔士州主席 Danielle McMullen 博士发表了一份声明,警告该州的卫生系统“无法再应对病例数量惊人的增长”。
McMullen says:
The piecemeal approach to lockdown isn’t working. It creates an ‘us versus them’ mentality between LGAs, when really, we need to treat this virus like it’s everywhere, all the time. Every person in NSW must play their part or more people are going to get sick and sadly, more people are going to die.
零敲碎打的锁定方法不起作用。 它在 LGA 之间创造了一种“我们与他们”的心态,而实际上,我们需要一直对待这种病毒,就像它无处不在一样。 新南威尔士州的每个人都必须发挥自己的作用。否则会有更多的人生病,更多的人将悲惨地死去。
Doctors from across NSW are exhausted and concerned for their community. Our already fragile rural and regional health system will be unable to cope with increases in cases.
来自新南威尔士州各地的医生都精疲力竭并关心他们的社区。 我们本已脆弱的农村和区域卫生系统将无法应对病例的增加。
Rural and regional doctors have supported their communities through bushfires, floods and Covid. Many have been unable to get locums or take leave.
农村和地区医生在丛林大火、洪水和 Covid的灾难时,为他们的社区提供支持。 许多人无法获得轮休或休假。
Healthcare professionals are stepping up for their communities to vaccinate NSW residents, but vaccinations take time to work. Until we can get more jabs in arms, we need all residents to obey the restrictions.
医疗保健专业人员正在加紧为他们的社区接种新南威尔士州居民,但疫苗接种需要时间才能发挥作用。 在我们能够获得更多注射之前,我们需要所有居民遵守这些限制。
Doctors across NSW are concerned that we are not going to be able to provide care for patients with other illnesses. If you are not worried about getting Covid, you should be worried about whether you will be able to get the care you need for other health conditions or unforeseen health emergencies.
新南威尔士州的医生担心他们将无法为患有其他疾病的患者提供护理。 如果您不担心感染 Covid,您应该担心您是否能够获得治疗其他健康状况或不可预见的紧急健康状况所需的护理。
https://www.theguardian.com/aust ... is-looms-in-regions
该死的,为什么不早封锁?封锁又为什么零敲碎打?新州卫生系统“无法再应对病例数量惊人的增长”。 |