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让我们看看澳洲政府官方对Freedom of Speech的定义吧:
Freedom of speech and freedom of
Freedom of speech allows people to say and write what they think and to discuss their ideas with others. Freedom of expression allows people to express their views through art, film, music and literature. In Australia, we are free to say and write what we think, privately or publicly, about any topic. However, we cannot harm others.
We cannot make false allegations, encourage others to break the law or damage another person’s reputation. There are laws to protect a person’s good name against false information. It is against the law to try to make other people hate or act violently towards others because of their culture, ethnicity or background.
We are free to meet with people in public or private places for social or political discussion. We can criticise the government, peacefully protest against government decisions and campaign to change laws. We must also respect other people’s freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
Newspapers, television and radio have the same freedom.
仇恨,煽动,暴力和歧视的言论并不受言论自由保护,如果传播虚假信息,造成伤害的,还可以追究法律责任。我们经常看到留假差评被追究法律责任的报道:https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-51498190 https://www.businessinsider.com/ ... 019-7?r=AU&IR=T
自由并不是文明社会的基石,民主才是。这就是为什么中国的新民主主义运动说“德先生”(democracy)和“塞先生”(science), 而没有提什么费先生。因为自由而破坏民主,属于本末倒置。最自由的应该是大自然里随便奔跑想干什么就干什么的动物,人类文明之所以区别于动物,绝对不是因为所谓个体自由,而是民主和由民主程序制定的法律和制度。