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小弟在blacktown去年买了一套land house package,地settle的时候显示在地的一边有一个900mm(0.9米)的easement,不能在上面盖任何东西。这个本来也没什么。但是我边上的那块地,马上把他的车库修改建到了我的地和他的地的boundary上。边上这块地的建筑不是通过council来certify的,用的私人公司。我联系了他们,他们引用的条款是
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008里面3.16章节里的
(3) Despite subclause (2) (a):
(b) if the lot has a width, measured at the building line, of at least 8m, but not more than 12.5m—the building may be built to only one side boundary.
(4) Subclause (3) does not apply if:
(a) the wall of the building on the adjoining lot is not of masonry construction and is within 900mm of the boundary, or
(b) the wall of the building on the adjoining lot has a window facing the boundary and is within 900mm of the boundary.