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如题,拿到building report,有如下问题,conveyor说不是专业人士,看也白看,不给看,自己看了,字面上理解,可是不知道问题到底有多严重。 求足迹牛人们帮忙回答。拜谢。
1。外墙 Defect: Diagonal Structural Cracking 我理解是外墙开裂要继续关注,看是会进一步恶化,可是如果修,大约预算要多少。
It is our opinion that the cracking damage observed through brickwork external wall is considered to be due to settlement and movement of the foundations. The movement is due to the wetting and drying of expansive clay soils supporting the foundation.
Foundations of homes and buildings can settle or sink for several different reasons, and sometimes it’s difficult to know exactly what the cause is, but one of the main factor is when a foundation moves, sinks or settles it is because there is a change or disturbance in the bearing strata soil beneath the footings of the foundation. Causes for this change or disturbance can be attributed to: poor compaction of soil before the foundation of the home was constructed, overexposure of water to the bearing soil under the footings (due to poor drainage or a change in the surrounding water table) or the home being built on expansive/collapsible soil.
2。Soil Condition 这个就真的不懂,土地通风不好,潮湿,盐碱化。这个问题在50多年的房子里是否常见,是否需要进一步处理,不处理危害是什么,处理的话预算是多少。
As it is indicated in pervious page, evidence of salt build-up on soil surface were noted, this could be due to excessive dampness and moisture content in soil. Dampness and higher moisture in soil is an indication of defective drainage system and/or poor ventilation system. Seek expert advice from a licenced plumber and upgrade the ventilation to reduce moisture in soil and dampness.
Excessive moisture and dampness increases the chances of termite attack as well.
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